Oriole & Fruit Feeders


One of our favorite colorful visitors during Spring & Summer here in Connecticut is the Baltimore Oriole. These stunning birds show up near the end of April every year and stay until September, roughly the same time frame as the Ruby-throated Hummingbird around here as well. To try and attract them to your yard it’s as simple as putting up a feeder with orange halves & grape jelly in it. Especially earlier in the season the orange halves with the webbing facing up really help draw the Orioles in, but as the season progresses the seem to lose interest in oranges. Luckily their craving for the grape jelly remains strong from their arrival, through the Summer stay and until they head south. That’s why we really recommened a few different feeders that hold both the oranges & jelly!

We also have some simple feeders that either just hold the jelly, or mealworms in them as well, and ones with metal spikes that just display the orange halves, or any other fruit you may want to put out for the birds. Some people prefer to have them offered separately, so we like to have options available to you when creating your backyard bird feeding setup.


Recycled Oriole Feeder

12 5/8"L x 7 1/2"W x 7 3/8"H ~ 2 metal spikes ~ 2 removable plastic cups ~ poly-lumber material



Oriole Flower Feeder

3 oz. grape jelly capacity ~ 2 metal spikes ~
8.5” tall



Oriolefest Oriole Feeder

10” Diameter ~ 4 feeding ports ~ 4 jelly trays ~ built-in ant guard ~ 12 oz. nectar capacity



Hanging Dish Feeder

12” hanger ~ 3” glass dish ~ holds grape jelly or mealworms



Fruit Feeder

10” L x 6.5”W ~ 2 spikes ~ holds orange halves, apple slices or other fruit



BirdBerry Jelly

Grape & Blackberry mixture ~ all natural ~ 20 oz. of jelly ~ squeeze bottle
